Sunday, 11 May 2014

A great day for a bush walk.... on your doorstep!

We are quite literally blessed that not far from where we currently live is Belair National Park. So even when you awake to a foggy autumn day in the hills it doesn't take long to pop on our hiking boots and go the short distance up the road to the nearest entrance. While it was foggy and the clouds dark we layered up with jackets but the temperature was mild enough to discard the heavier garments. This allowed us to go further into the park to explore even new areas after living here for nearly three years.

Within the park are numerous walks so it was decided the promisingly named Waterfall hike would be our target. The signs indicated a moderate hike of three hours return and 6.5km's distance and the clouds had disbursed enough to allow us to think we could do it. Underfoot was muddy but not enough to deter us to head up the hills we had recently ridden our bikes up.

Other people were scarce as we hiked but we were so fortunate to meet up with just about every form of wildlife that calls the park home during our walk. From Emus, Rabbits, Kangaroos, Koalas and a wide variety of bird life we didn't get far without bumping into one of them. However it was a chance encounter with a cheeky Koala that made our day all the more memorable.

As we got into an area with an abundance of gum trees we noticed in the corner of our vision a Koala obviously coming backwards down the tree it had been calling home. We tried to keep as quiet as we could but I think it didn't take much for our presence to get noticed so a halt to proceedings of course happened. It did after a short while come a bit more down but we thought it best to leave it in peace as to not stress it out.

Not long after we got out of it's vision we snuck a quick look back and it was evident it had made it to the ground and slowly moving on to it's next home. Still we thought it best to allow it to do so without us around so we continued along the track joking what we do if we cross paths but surely the Koala isn't that fast??

At the top of this hill we then spotted to our shared surprise our adventurer indeed coming back towards us and we weren't sure who was more shocked. Anja slowly walked up the path still away from the Koala but just to get a better photo and not disturb it whilst I kept my distance whilst she did that. Slowly though even though the Koala obviously saw Anja it just kept walking towards her only to stop for photos.

It even crossed over the hiking track right next to Anja without showing any worry as it must have sensed no danger from us and then once it had crossed over turned around one last time for another photo! That made our day as it isn't something you are likely to come across very often if ever so as we ventured along it soon became apparent this area was full of Koalas all nestled away sleeping or eating (why do anything else?) and we renamed Waterfall Hike - Koala Hike!!

Luckily the sun came out as we finished our hike and moved onto the lorikeet loop (you can guess who is spotted on this walk) and made our way back the short distance to home. Our legs were sore and bodies tired but it was indeed a great day for a bush (koala) walk!