Deutschland Fotos nun zu sehen... einfach auf den Link klicken!
Click on the link and it will direct you to the Germany pics:
Wednesday, 19 December 2007
Tuesday, 13 November 2007
We Got Published!!

From our travels (which have been quite a bit) together we have always had a camera handy. Although when we first met which has just passed two and a half years Anja possessed an "old school" camera. Now there are many arguments for and against the introduction and invasion of the new generation of digital cameras. From our experiences of many varied travellers who take a ridiculous amount of photos when travelling it can take away from savouring the moment.
Still we both would be lost without a digital camera as from us venturing many different places it is hard to sometimes literally remember what you saw. It is more then the story behind the photo or even better the feelings you both had at the time.
This may sound deep and a bit strange but we have always maintained an idea of taking a photo is purely for the taker or someone in your family or a friend you know would love it. With our respective families living so far apart it is the greatest thing we can do to share with them all evenly and openly what we have experienced together.
So it was with the biggest pleasure that we identified some of our photos and wanted to enter them into competitions. Anja would show me a particular magazine "Australian Traveller" and as much as we would admire some of the pics we thought ours were pretty good all the same. So one of our photos was entered with the the hope to win the $1500 camera to continue our photo taking.
We emailed it off and awaited not nervously but mainly not expectant of some sort of response. Time passed and our normal ritual of magazine reading at one of the coffee houses here had slowed down. Our weekend away in Wellington was amazing and a great chance to see another part of the North Island of New Zealand.
As we waited to catch the bus to the airport we sought sanctuary in Borders a very cool bookshop. One that allows you to read the magazines without paying and this was exactly what I was doing when I heard Anja excitedly shout "that's our photo". She had discovered by chance that we had indeed been published but had failed to win the major prize,still a very proud moment for these two amateur photographers!
So the decision was made to buy a few copies of the magazine in question and now we want to share with you all our happy moment. The pic was one taken on our amazing day in the Whitsunday Islands when we stopped on Whitehaven Beach and saw the subject in the photo.
Still we both would be lost without a digital camera as from us venturing many different places it is hard to sometimes literally remember what you saw. It is more then the story behind the photo or even better the feelings you both had at the time.
This may sound deep and a bit strange but we have always maintained an idea of taking a photo is purely for the taker or someone in your family or a friend you know would love it. With our respective families living so far apart it is the greatest thing we can do to share with them all evenly and openly what we have experienced together.
So it was with the biggest pleasure that we identified some of our photos and wanted to enter them into competitions. Anja would show me a particular magazine "Australian Traveller" and as much as we would admire some of the pics we thought ours were pretty good all the same. So one of our photos was entered with the the hope to win the $1500 camera to continue our photo taking.
We emailed it off and awaited not nervously but mainly not expectant of some sort of response. Time passed and our normal ritual of magazine reading at one of the coffee houses here had slowed down. Our weekend away in Wellington was amazing and a great chance to see another part of the North Island of New Zealand.
As we waited to catch the bus to the airport we sought sanctuary in Borders a very cool bookshop. One that allows you to read the magazines without paying and this was exactly what I was doing when I heard Anja excitedly shout "that's our photo". She had discovered by chance that we had indeed been published but had failed to win the major prize,still a very proud moment for these two amateur photographers!
So the decision was made to buy a few copies of the magazine in question and now we want to share with you all our happy moment. The pic was one taken on our amazing day in the Whitsunday Islands when we stopped on Whitehaven Beach and saw the subject in the photo.
We are the eighth photo along and this month's photos are there now and to be honest when you see how good they are you feel pretty proud to say the least.
So our journey continues capturing it with our camera but we will never lose sight of the fact that it's what we capture in our head's and our heart's s even better :))
Monday, 24 September 2007
More of New Zealand Explored
Since we last blogged (that sounds funny) we have been fortunate enough to have a guest in Anja's brother Jan. He definitely brought the good weather with him but more than that rekindled the enthusiasm for these two explorers to again discover where we call home for now. A visit to Kelly Tarlton's was a must where we got up really close to the Penguins and we arrived there early enough to avoid all the kids!!
The sun was shining when we trekked up One Tree hill which is a great vantage spot to view the Auckland city landscape.Even though it is in the middle of the largest city here we came across sheep and you really felt like you were in the country. Also i couldn't allow Jan to visit without sampling the delights of a meat pie and then a sausage roll. He humoured me and thought both were quiet alright but i think he enjoyed more sampling the beers on offer but nothing came close to Germany's fine ales.
He did quite a few kilometres by car himself and that also allowed us to do some more driving and see some more beaches. NZ may not have the sun and surf of it's neighbour but it does boast a truly one of a kind landscape and that does intrigue you as you drive through the roads.
So these latest photos give you a sample of what we have been up to in between working and living in our own apartment (still loving it).
Next month we are off to travel on the Overlander to the nation's capital and see some of what the windy city offers!!
The sun was shining when we trekked up One Tree hill which is a great vantage spot to view the Auckland city landscape.Even though it is in the middle of the largest city here we came across sheep and you really felt like you were in the country. Also i couldn't allow Jan to visit without sampling the delights of a meat pie and then a sausage roll. He humoured me and thought both were quiet alright but i think he enjoyed more sampling the beers on offer but nothing came close to Germany's fine ales.
He did quite a few kilometres by car himself and that also allowed us to do some more driving and see some more beaches. NZ may not have the sun and surf of it's neighbour but it does boast a truly one of a kind landscape and that does intrigue you as you drive through the roads.
So these latest photos give you a sample of what we have been up to in between working and living in our own apartment (still loving it).
Next month we are off to travel on the Overlander to the nation's capital and see some of what the windy city offers!!
Thursday, 23 August 2007
Kia Ora!
Kia Ora is Maori for hello so it is with great joy we say hello to our friends and family in sharing the link to our photos.
After being here in the land of the long white cloud since the start of June we ventured out of Auckland. Accompanying us on our short weekend road trip north from Auckland was our trusty camera and some photos were taken.
Anja's birthday fell on the 17th of August and the next morning we headed out in our cheap rental car to go to Pakiri Beach. Along the way we stopped at numerous spots to take photos and simply enjoy being out of the hustle and bustle of Auckland. The weekend was great and as you can see from the smiles on our faces it won't be our last trip away for sure!!
Hope anyone who takes the time will enjoy the photos as much as we did and we even have some of our hometown for the moment.
Kia Ora heisst "Hallo" auf Maori und wir freuen uns, dass wir wieder mal einige Fotos haben, die wir gerne mit Euch allen teilen moechten.
Mein groesstes Geburtstagsgeschenk war das Wochenende ausserhalb Aucklands, die Moeglichkeit die Neuseelaendische Landschaft zu bestaunen und zu geniessen - weit weg von all dem Verkehr in der Stadt. :)
Also lehnt Euch zurueck -wenn Ihr ein wenig Zeit habt - klickt auf den Link und waehlt auf der Bilderseite "Details" oder "view as slideshow".
Jason and Anja
Kia Ora is Maori for hello so it is with great joy we say hello to our friends and family in sharing the link to our photos.
After being here in the land of the long white cloud since the start of June we ventured out of Auckland. Accompanying us on our short weekend road trip north from Auckland was our trusty camera and some photos were taken.
Anja's birthday fell on the 17th of August and the next morning we headed out in our cheap rental car to go to Pakiri Beach. Along the way we stopped at numerous spots to take photos and simply enjoy being out of the hustle and bustle of Auckland. The weekend was great and as you can see from the smiles on our faces it won't be our last trip away for sure!!
Hope anyone who takes the time will enjoy the photos as much as we did and we even have some of our hometown for the moment.
Kia Ora heisst "Hallo" auf Maori und wir freuen uns, dass wir wieder mal einige Fotos haben, die wir gerne mit Euch allen teilen moechten.
Mein groesstes Geburtstagsgeschenk war das Wochenende ausserhalb Aucklands, die Moeglichkeit die Neuseelaendische Landschaft zu bestaunen und zu geniessen - weit weg von all dem Verkehr in der Stadt. :)
Also lehnt Euch zurueck -wenn Ihr ein wenig Zeit habt - klickt auf den Link und waehlt auf der Bilderseite "Details" oder "view as slideshow".
Jason and Anja
Phone sanitary – Telefon Hygiene am Arbeitsplatz
Manche Dinge sind einfach anders hier in Neuseeland und ich dachte mir, ich teile mit Euch die wunderbare Welt der Telefon-Hygiene. :)
Ihr kennt bestimmt den Moment, wenn man in einem neuen Job zum ersten Mal zum Telefon greift, den Hoehrer abhebt und dann eiligst nach dem naechsten Taschentuch sucht, um das Geraet geschwind ein wenig zu reinigen...
Nicht so hier.
Nachdem ich einige Tage in meinem derzeitigen Job gearbeitet hatte erhielt ich eine Email vom Facility Administrator in der die “Phone Sanitary” Firma fuer den naechsten Tag ankuendigt wurde.
Ein mittelgrosses Fragezeichen schwebte fuer ein paar Sekunden vor mir her bevor ich mich wieder anderen Dingen widmete.
Am naechsten Tag kamen 3 Ladies ins Buero, die jedes Telefon GRUENDLICHST reinigten – nicht nur einmal drueber wischen, nein, da wurden 3 verschiedene Tuecher in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge benutzt und danach war mein etwas veraltetes Modell so gut wie neu.
Einmalig – dachte ich.
Gestern waren sie wieder da. :)
Ihr kennt bestimmt den Moment, wenn man in einem neuen Job zum ersten Mal zum Telefon greift, den Hoehrer abhebt und dann eiligst nach dem naechsten Taschentuch sucht, um das Geraet geschwind ein wenig zu reinigen...
Nicht so hier.
Nachdem ich einige Tage in meinem derzeitigen Job gearbeitet hatte erhielt ich eine Email vom Facility Administrator in der die “Phone Sanitary” Firma fuer den naechsten Tag ankuendigt wurde.
Ein mittelgrosses Fragezeichen schwebte fuer ein paar Sekunden vor mir her bevor ich mich wieder anderen Dingen widmete.
Am naechsten Tag kamen 3 Ladies ins Buero, die jedes Telefon GRUENDLICHST reinigten – nicht nur einmal drueber wischen, nein, da wurden 3 verschiedene Tuecher in einer bestimmten Reihenfolge benutzt und danach war mein etwas veraltetes Modell so gut wie neu.
Einmalig – dachte ich.
Gestern waren sie wieder da. :)
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Auckland is our home for now
We have finally unpacked our backpacks after some time and have now the luxury of our own apartment . Even now i gleefully type this on our new laptop after enjoying a very tasty beef stew Anja cooked in our own kitchen without having to share with all the different people we have encountered during our travels together. For we have become disillusioned with the term "backpacker" as now everyone wheels their luggage behind them as well as lugging their laptop and ipods with them. Still they eat the two minute noodles as they are a budget traveller but then proceed to spend over a hundred dollars on a drunken rampage in whatever foreign city they currently reside in.
So it is with little regret we now can live some of the "normal" life here in the most populous city of NZ and enjoy some of the creature comforts we so longed for. I'm enjoying the comfort of a couch while Anja happily enjoys the freedom of not sharing a bathroom with numerous strangers, Work has become another thing we do again but yes we have bills now and need to be responsible of course.
Auckland has presented us with some challenges already but our resolve has proven worthy to any thing that has presented itself thus far. So it is with great pleasure that we shall use this website to share some of the photos we have taken and of course some that will be taken in the future no doubt. Even if we are the ones who greedily enjoy this the most so be it as it allows us a time to reflect on what we have done together and write also about it.
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